<template> <v-main> <v-container fluid class="text-center pa-0" > <Carousel /> <InfoBlock class="mb-12" /> <SearchBlock /> <CategoryBlock class="mt-12" /> <CommunityBlock class="mt-12" /> <v-lazy> <StatisticsBlock class="my-12" /> </v-lazy> </v-container> <!-- This html is from a safe source --> <!-- eslint-disable vue/no-v-html --> <script type="application/ld+json" v-html="JSONLD" /> <!-- eslint-enable vue/no-v-html --> </v-main> </template> <script> import Carousel from "@/components/Home/Carousel"; import CategoryBlock from "@/components/Home/CategoryBlock"; import CommunityBlock from "@/components/Home/CommunityBlock"; import InfoBlock from "@/components/Home/InfoBlock"; import SearchBlock from "@/components/Home/SearchBlock"; import StatisticsBlock from "@/components/Home/StatisticsBlock"; import RestClient from "@/lib/Client/RESTClient.js" const restClient = new RestClient(); /** Component to handle the front page (landing page) * */ export default { name: "Home", components:{Carousel, InfoBlock, SearchBlock, CategoryBlock, StatisticsBlock, CommunityBlock }, data() { return { JSONLD: {} } }, mounted() { this.getJsonld(); }, destroyed() { this.$scrollTo('body',0,{}); }, methods: { async getJsonld() { this.JSONLD = await restClient.getHomepageJsonld(); }, } }; </script>