import axios from "axios" class ExternalRESTClients { /** * The RESTClient is a singleton class that handles the connection and data exchange from the back-end * REST API. */ constructor() { if (ExternalRESTClients._instance) { return ExternalRESTClients._instance } ExternalRESTClients._instance = this; this.doiBaseURL = ''; this.headers = { 'Accept': 'application/x-bibtex', }; this.pmidBaseURL = ""; this.tessBaseURL = ""; this.orcidBaseURL = ""; this.rorOrganisationsBaseURL = ""; } async getDOI(doi){ let localHeaders = this.headers; localHeaders['Accept'] = 'application/json'; const request = { url: this.doiBaseURL + doi, headers: localHeaders }; let response = await this.executeQuery(request); return; } async getPMID(id){ const request = { url: this.pmidBaseURL + id, headers: { 'Accept': 'application/json', } }; let response = await this.executeQuery(request); return; } async getTessRecords(string){ const request = { url: this.tessBaseURL + string, headers: this.headers }; let response = await this.executeQuery(request); return; } async getOrcidUser(user){ this.headers['Accept'] = "application/orcid+json"; const request = { url: this.orcidBaseURL + user, headers: this.headers }; let response = await this.executeQuery(request); this.headers['Accept'] = 'application/x-bibtex'; return; } async getROROrganisation(organisation){ let localHeaders = this.headers; localHeaders['Accept'] = 'application/json'; const request = { url: this.rorOrganisationsBaseURL + organisation, headers: localHeaders }; let response = await this.executeQuery(request); return; } /** * Trigger the given query with Axios * @param query * @returns {Promise<*>} */ async executeQuery(query) { try { return await axios.get(query.url, {headers: query.headers}); } catch(e){ return({data: {error: e}}); } } } export default ExternalRESTClients;